Bradley R. Schiller had an opinion about Obama resembling today to The Great Depression so he posted an article called Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe' on The Wall Street Journal. This article applys to majority of those who are wondering what Obama's plan is to cure America's downfall economically or those who like to read anything negative connected to Obama. The President introduced a plan called the Stimulus Package on Tuesday in Denver to improve U.S in debt. Obama implied today's economy is the worst since the Great Depression. But Bradley Schiller protested America is not even close to the Depression Era. The closest thing thats equivalent to the Depression is the recession during the 1980's, which you can't compare because the labor force equals the same as today. Schiller also talks about how Obama uses one of the top issues that effects us today as a reason to take a big risk; bank failure. Again Bradley proves him wrong, during the Depression thousands and thousands of banks failed. My opinion of the Stimulus Package is neutral, I can't say it will work or die slowly. But in my eyes I think Obama used the Great Depression just as an example to what our economic crisis can result to if we don't do anything about it now.
Obviously Bradley Schiller disapproves of the Stimulus Package and other ideas Obama has up his sleeve, but he isn't the only one who's questioning Obama's actions. On MSNBC the videos provided "what's at stake for Obama" and "reading the stimulus plan's fine print" question if the package will actually work or put us in more debt, and if it occurs we know who to blame.
Video:Obama's Speech-Stimulus Package
Video:What's at stake for Obama?
Video:Reading the stimulus plan's fine print