Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Soldiers Come Home

It is time for Iraq soldiers to come back to the United States. The war overseas has cost us up to $656.1 billion, causing us to dig a bigger hole in the debt we have accumulated already. The number given is explained more at http://www.nationalpriorities.org/cost_of_war_counter_notes.

Not only is the expenses of the war affecting citizens, families are suffering over ther losses of members in their family. Over 31,1o2 were wounded and 30% of U.S troops develop serious mental health problems within 3 to 4 months returning home, http://usliberals.about.com/od/homelandsecurit1/a/IraqNumbers.htm.

"Iraq is not only the second longest war in U.S. history (after Vietnam), it is also the second most costly -- surpassed only by World War II." The Iraq War alone put the U.S $1 trillion more in debt, acquired only at the end of Bush's Administration. All I can do is throw numbers at you to notice how big of a deal bringing our soldiers home could help us save money and lives. $640 billion out of $11.1 trillion is spent on the Department of Defense. All this money we use for weapons and gear for the soldiers we could be using for other problems. Such as Welfare, Education, Housing and other agencies. Ever since Bush started the war the U.S went down hill stably and economically. Hopefully we will see a difference when Obama brings majority of the soldiers back to the U.S by 2010. Which he announced recently to bring soldiers back from 140,000 down to 35,000 to 50,000 soldiers by 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I agree quite a bit with my colleague's thoughts about the US soldiers in Iraq. We've spent so much time and money at this war. I agree entirely that many people have suffered through out this expensive and long war. It is not only the soldiers that have gone through a rough and painful time but the families of the soldiers themselves. It seems so endless with all that has happened over seas and each day that passes by only makes us wonder if anyone else has gotten hurt and how far in dept we have become since we continue to dig deeper and deeper into the dept. My classmate, Sanetra, was right on the dot in my opinion.
