Thursday, May 7, 2009

The New vs.The Old

Obama's Administration team has been doing very well, especially in the past 4 months since the election. Not only is he the first African American President, but he has accomplished in 100 days more than Bush's whole presidency. Obama's team have been a big help for Obama. Rahm Emanuel (Chief of State) helped Obama win Capitol Hill support, Timothy Geithner (Treasury secretary) deals with the economic crisis and the bailout funds, and Hillary Clinton(Secretary of Staff) makes visits to Mexico, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. So far in Obama's first 100 days he has passed the $787 billion stimulus package to better our economic crisis, declared by August 2010 soldiers will be coming back to the U.S. to end the war in Iraq, he also promised to mend health care in his first address to Congress, and a lot more. America stresses everyday if these risks the President make will better us in the future or create a disaster worse than what we are in today.
To apprehend further into Obama's accomplishments check out Change At A Glance.

Bush's Administration team had some major accomplishments as well, such as the $1.6 trillion tax cut, an executive order signed by Bush to create White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. When he announced the U.S abandoning the Kyoto Protocol, and passed the education reform plan called No Child Left Behind which was the first major piece of legislation passed by Bush, and a lot more. Here are some of Bush's Administrators; Colin Powell (Secretary of State) managed U.S. relationships with foreign countries to have a stable alliance in the War on Terrorism, Elaine Chao(Secretary of Labor) extended the Peace Corps's presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by establishing the first Peace Corps programs in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, and other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Andrew Card(Chief of Staff) raised millions for the Republican national Convention in Philadelphia.Today people complain about Bush's presidency, all negative arguments pointing at Bush for this downfall America is dealing with now.

To know more about Bush's accomplishments check out President George W. Bush The First 100 Days Timeline.

Bush and Obama both have the same principles to better America in different ways. But the big difference is the speed in which the goals have been achieved. Obviously Obama is the one who has accomplished more than anyone thought he would, even though citizens expected so much from him. Once again we'll just have to see in the next 4 years what will surface of all these hasty actions.

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