Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stage Eight: Comment on Mieka's work #2

I agree with Mieka's view about abortion.

Abortion is a strong subject to discuss. But in my eyes it has positive and negative outcomes. If we illegalize abortion then it would break the constitution. For example, in the Roe v. Wade case in 1973 Roe challenged the constitutionality of the Texas Criminal Abortion Laws. In which they violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution, which protects against state action the right to privacy..."

But people today still think abortion should be illegal because your killing Gods creation and if you agree to sexual intercourse then you should know and understand the outcome if pregnancy comes abrupt and be responsible for your actions. For those who aren't ready for a baby should consider adoption, because there are couples who can't give birth to a child. And it's not fair when a teenager can have a baby but choose to kill it because of their needs and wants in life. All I can say if your not responsible for your actions and don't make smart decisions sex is not something you should be doing at a young age other than better yourself in school.Between 2006-2008 3,108 women were contacted to give their child up for adoption, an average of 1,034 contacts per year.To know more about abortion here are 2 cites to check out.

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